Generalized Anxiety Disorder and ComorbidityĪccording to the Mayo Clinic, Generalized Anxiety Disorder often tends to co-exist with other mental health disorders that can make diagnosis more difficult due to symptom overlap and misdiagnosis. Insomnia or difficulties when going to sleep.Digestive problems: irritable bowel syndrome or ulcers.People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder have a higher risk of having or worsening the symptoms of the following health conditions: If besides the feeling anxiety, you are also starting to feel depressed.If Anxiety is taking away your energy, it is making you feel drained of sleepy all the time.If your anxiety is time-consuming and it’s preventing you from focusing on other activities than worrying.If your anxiety is preventing you from performing tasks in an efficient or quick way because you have difficulties concentrating.
If you identify with some of the items above you might consider seeking some professional help: Generalized Anxiety Disorder can be a very disabling condition. Life experiences: if we compare the history of life events or changes from people with GAD we may find they all share some traumatic or negative experiences while growing up or recently they have experienced a traumatic event.Genetics: if you have a relative with the condition you may be at a higher risk of developing GAD too.Personality traits: someone that is timid or negative towards life or is constantly avoiding danger, may have a higher risk of developing Generalized Anxiety Disorder.Some of the identified factors that may increase the chance of developing GAD are: Some researchers suggest that women might have a higher risk than men since they tend to get diagnosed more often than they do. Differences in how threats are perceived.

Inability to relax, feeling restless, and feeling keyed up or on edge.Inability to set aside or let go of a worry.Indecisiveness and fear of making the wrong decision.Perceiving situations and events as threatening, even when they aren’t.Overthinking plans and solutions to all possible worst-case outcomes.